Jacqueline Williams N.E.A.C
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2022 – Exhibition
- by: JW
A collection of paintings from my studio in the form of still lifes, interiors and figure painting.
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1.Blossom at Berkeley Place
2. Early Spring in the Studio
3.Garden Afternoon Light
4.Daisy Waiting
5 Paper Laterns in the Garden
6. Fading Light
7 Light Through the Curtain
8.Cherry Blossom
9. Robin Contre Jour
10, Striped Cloth
11. Letter Reader
12. Robin and wild Flowers
13, Summer in the Garden
14.Late Afternoon Light
15. After dark
16. Model Taking a break
17.Summer Flowers on Windowsill
18. Sheep in the Orchard
19.Self Portrait and Sweetpeas
20. Late Afternoon in the Orchard
21.Beach Sunshade
22. Lyme Beach Scene
23. Green Jug
25. Dads Sweetpeas
26, Snow at Berkeley Place
27.Still Life with Apples
28.Hayling Island Estuary
29 Roses with a Glass of Water
30. Still Life om Mantlepiece
31 Still Life with Spring Flowers
32. Red Interior
33. Lamplight
34. Sleeping Dog
35.Roses, Pearls and Sargent
36. Looking Towards Cleeve
37 Spring Blossom
38.Daffodils and Tea Tin
39. Red Beach Tent
40. September Lyme beach Scene
41.Autumn Field
42. Stripey dress
43.Apple Blossom
43.Robin dressing
44. Nasturtiums
45 Rose
47. Model Resting
48. Estuary
49. Early Morning Deep Snow
50 Picking Swetpeas
51,Primulas and Dandilion
52. Model Resting
53.Anenomes and Cake
54.Nasturtiums and Vermeer Poster
2019 - Russell Gallery
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